Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treat 2010

Boo! Halloween was on Sunday this year. We celebrated on Saturday by going to our church's annual Trunk-or-Treat. Hundreds of candies in less than an hour! The kids love it so much that even Sam and Gabe had to get in the action-- too old for Trick-or-Treating, but too young to be out at teenage parties.

I remember going from house to house until midnight with my pillow case full of goodies. Times have changed so much. It's just not safe to let your kids roam to houses of strangers. Thank goodness for all our friends and fellow ward members taking part in the Trunk-or-Treat!

BLAST FROM THE PAST: These are pictures of our little dressed up Treaters in 2003, the first year we moved to Washington. They attended Aunt Linda's Harry Potter Halloween Party and did the normal Trick or Treating rounds!

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