Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!

December has been a busy month as usual. Just weeks after our tri-ward Super Saturday, we had our Relief Society Christmas dinner. As the 2nd counselor, I get to plan all the parties (with lots and lots of help -- especially from our Enrichment leader, Julie Wells). I am blessed to serve with these friends, and love the example they are to me. Here is a picture of our hard-working presidency:

Melanie DelToro, Sherida Bird, Jeannette Hill, Me

We also had a Ward Christmas party, and the kids didn't mind posing with Santa. Well, they didn't mind posing. Notice they're not really showing him the love...

Carly, Sam, Santa, Gabe............................. Carly and her good friend, Alyssa

I once again procrastinated with taking our Christmas picture, and we were doing our traditional pose in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve morning! I quickly downloaded the one picture that wasn't hideous, and our Christmas cards were picked up at Costco that afternoon. Thank you, Costco. You're awesome.

Next year, things will be different. I vow to plan ahead! To be organized! To do my Christmas card 2 weeks before Christmas-- or at least 2 days before Christmas.
Daniel, Sam, Gabe, Carly, Jennie
We spent Christmas Eve at our house with Aunt Ruth and Grandma Martinez. It was nice to have them here for the holiday. Ruth made a lovely meal, and the kids really enjoyed opening the wonderful gifts from them-- the highlight of their season!
Ruth & Sam ........................................Arthur & Dolores
A friend of mine shared one of her family traditions with me, and this year we incorporated it into our Christmas Eve activities. We each wrote down what our gift to God would be during the upcoming year. Without reading each other's, we put the papers into a Christmas box. Next year, we'll re-read what our 2010 gifts were, as we again celebrate our Savior's birth. My hope is that every year we'll add new gifts, and try to keep the real spirit of Christmas alive all year long.
"He whose birth we commemorate this season is more than the symbol of a holiday. He is the Son of God, the creator of the earth, the Jehovah of the Old Testament, the fulfillment of the Law of Moses, and Redeemer of mankind, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace..." -- Gordon B Hinckley

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