Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Water Heater Horror!

On President's Day, we returned from the movie theatre to discover that our water heater died. It burst it's seems and leaked hot water all over the floor of our garage. I'm disgusted at myself for allowing our garage to maintain it's clutter -- including boxes, papers and books on the floor, that are now ruined. Most of the containers holding precious photos, Halloween costumes and holiday decor are plastic, so they remain safe. And most of our food storage is on shelves that are off the floor.

I do feel blessed, however, that our water heater is in our garage, instead of in our house. I can't imagine the damage that would have been done to our flooring/carpet, furniture and walls! I also am very thankful to our contractor friend, Ray Hemming, who dropped everything and met us at Home Depot to buy a new water heater and helped up replace our old one.

These are the woes of home ownership... dealing with repairs. Ugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no! You’re right; it’s definitely a good thing the water heater wasn’t inside. The damage would have been a lot worse and more costly. I wonder what happened to the water heater to make it suddenly burst. Maybe it was old already? It might have been more cost effective to buy a new one instead of having this old one repaired because this one will now be more susceptible to further damage.

Javier Hallum